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Listening To Punk With My Parents

Dec 16, 2018

This week we flip the script. My punk rock mum Fizzy came on to review songs my real mum sent us. So disclaimer there is absolutely no punk on this punk podcast whatsoever. But we do record a Hip Hop song and end up liking Bruno Mars, so it's not all bad.

Dec 2, 2018

In my head, getting my seven year old son, usually calm and chatty, and previously a huge Bad Brains fan, to do the podcast with me was a brilliant idea. I forgot that he now loves terrible pop band for people who don't like music Imagine Dragons, and he no longer wants a mohawk or tattoos. And likes saying bum a lot...

Nov 18, 2018

My Dad discovers he likes the powerviolence sub-genre of punk, unveils his new hit single to the world, writes a theme tune for this show two episodes in, and learns about Jehovah.

Nov 4, 2018

I got my mum to listen to some of the best in underground U.K punk music and as I anticipated, she hated it. She reviewed the songs, destroyed the band's reputations, lists the rubbish she likes among other things.